
Loss and Grief

When everything was sad …

Managing life after loss.


We all know injuries of the body: bruises after being hit, burns when our skin has come into contact with something too hot, cuts when something sharp or spiky has touched our skin…

In the same way our body can suffer from injuries, also our soul can be injured. Injuries of the body are usually visible. Emotional injuries are invisible and therefore much harder to understand: for the injured person as well as others. This story is about such an emotional wound.

Are there things that frighten you because they remind you of difficult times? Is there something that makes you really sad and you don’t want to talk about it? Are there others who cannot understand why you don’t feel like doing something you liked doing before? Do you just want to be left alone – or on the contrary – need someone close by? As you will see, other girls and boys know what you are going through from own experience!

It sometimes happens that we lose someone or something we love. The grief over such a loss can be really painful. Lots of different feelings can be overwhelming. Even if it takes time, life can become beautiful again. In this story, we want to show you what can happen in such a difficult phase and present a few ideas on how to make things easier. We hope it will help you!